Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sketchbook research // development 1

This is part of my A3 sketchbooks. I used this sketchbooks for research but mostly development and making notes and ideas.

In this part this is like a brainstorming of what my project outcome is going to be. Since my project is airline commercial illustration posters. By creating this will help me what kind of approach I wanted to be sometimes things may not follow up by this graph, but it is worth to do this from the beginning of the sketchbook.

On the left side page there's a sheet of A4 which has been highlighted in black. This was because I had to drop down many destination that EVA Air offers to fly. After awkward hours and thinking how long would it take for me to produce graph building sets. I had to choose three of city destinations out of these highlighted bits. In order to be fairness I've choose one America city, one European City and one New Zealand. This maybe an unusual choice to be, my intention to choose popular destination and also Auckland far away was to promote international how EVA Air could offer.

This part here was a quick notes idea. I was trying to make a quick visual narratives of how Auckland poster would be like by referencing typography and adapt to that idea into my project.

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